Filosti Dragon

A forum for Filosti Dragon, Black Dragon Server
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Filosti Dragon

Filosti Dragon - Registration Agreement Terms

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
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1. Always respect yourself and others in world chat AND alliance chat. Any disruptive behaviour in alliance chat or world chat will NOT be tolerated anymore. A player will have only 1 warning, if they proceed to carry on they will be kicked. 2. If you have a problem with another member, do not express your opinion in alliance chat as it brings the moral of the whole alliance down. Any player(s) caught bad mouthing or fighting with another player will again have 1 warning and then will be kicked, Regardless of their role in the alliance (Members-Leader) i.) You need to keep in mind that EVERYONE is DIFFERENT. Not everyone is going to have the same view as you regarding certain topics. This is where self-control comes into the picture and you need to be mature. Man up and accept their opinion and see where they are coming from. There is no need to start a global discussion in alliance chat. 3. Do NOT hit any top 5 alliances without permission from leadership. Failure to do so will result in no support from any of FD. Do it again, and your kicked (24hr ban) If you want to come back after the 24hrs you have 1 last chance, break that chance and your gone. Here at FD we understand that accidents do happen hence the 3 warnings. 4. Rep Requirement. On the 1st of every month each player in required to make atleast a 5% rep increase which is easily accomplished. Any members that fails to meet this 5% rep gain 2 months in a row will be kicked. If you are going to be away for a week or so mail "Cobhthaigh" stating so and you not be counted. (If you want to find out what 5% is follow this step. Get your current rep divide it by 100 and multiply that number by 5, This will tell you how much rep you need to get in the month.) 5. If somebody is bad mouthing you in world chat, you DO NOT respond to it. They are just attention seekers and you have to be the bigger person and not stoop down to their level, regardless of what comments are made about you, your personal life or anything of the likes. Anybody caught bad mouthing or replying to a troll in any manor disrespectful will be told to get out of world chat. Failure to do so will result in being kicked. 6. (Re. No.3) If you have a problem with a player please mail an elder+. Describe the events that occurred and take screenshots if possible. If this player is in a leadership position report what happened to anybody else in leadership and it will be dealt with immediately. 7. Any member offline for longer than 200hrs without notifying leadership will be kicked If you come back after the 200hrs you will be granted entrance to FD again, if you are offline for another 200hrs you will be kicked for good from FD (This eliminates broadband issues etc.) 8. There will be NO talk about the following in alliance chat what so ever. If a player asks about any of the following or comments on 1 of the following there are to be warned that they are not allowed to talk about it in alliance chat. If they proceed to talk about it then screenshot it send it to leadership and they will be kicked. The following are not to be talked about openly in alliance chat (i.e feel free to talk in pms) 1. Religions of any kind 2. Drugs 3. Politics 4. Racial (includes racist comments of any kind) 5. Cultures All 5 of these topics do NOT need to be mentioned in alliance chat at any time in order for out alliance to function the way it is supposed to. Anybody mentioning these things in alliance chat will be warned and then kicked for 24hrs. After 24hrs they can come back and if it happens again they are permanently kicked. 9. NEVER pm another person intentionally starting a problem with them i.e bad mouthing etc. This will not be tolerated on ANY level. Anybody found doing this once is kicked for 48hrs and if they wish to rejoin after 48hrs they may on the terms if it happens again they are kicked for good. 10. Always remember this is an alliance, filled with people or different race, gender, and age. People with emotional, and personal problems. Never ever say something that may offend or upset another player. Always keep in mind that they may not be having the best day and do not need more dis-encouragement. 11. Have fun! This alliance was once full of fun and life and joy! This alliance will be reformed to its former glory. Well guys, I would like to thank you all for reading this far down, give yourself a pat on the back. Your not ready to join the FD family and fly the flag with pride an honour. Remember, Filosti Dragon isn't an alliance, it is a FAMILY. We may have out ups and downs but at the end of the day we all love each other and the alliance wouldnt been the same without the people in it. So once again thanks for reading these rules. Thanks, - Jonny